Why Ride?

A cross country journey on a bicycle is no easy undertaking. It has taken lots of research, planning and training just to get ready for the ride. Once I start riding, it will be 8+ hours on a bike, day after day, for a month and a half. 

I want to take on this challenge as a post-graduation adventure. I have spent my entire life living in Massachusetts, growing up on Cape Cod and going to college in Cambridge. I’ve met so many people here at school from all around the United States and the world and it’s made me realize there is so much of my own country I’ve never experienced. This ride will allow me to visit many new states, and spend real time in each location, seeing much more than the touristy highlights. Not to mention that riding a bicycle is a relatively cheap way to travel (especially once you cover the upfront cost for gear)!

After the high workload and constant activities of college-life, I am excited to decompress and reset for a while. My electronics usage will be limited almost entirely to map directions and documenting my journey. Being able to unplug and step away from my phone, emails and other distractions will let me spend time with myself, my bike and the outdoors. Traveling by bike is a great way to connect with the world and my surroundings, especially as I plan to spend most nights camping out in the wilderness under the stars. This trip will act as a hard reset as I move into the next stage of my life.

Finally, I really want to complete a large athletic accomplishment. A nagging knee injury and most recently shoulder surgery has left me feeling out of shape and like I’ve been missing out on some of my favorite activities. This trip will be a great way to prove to myself that I have worked hard and recovered to a point where I can again do something athletically challenging.

I’m so excited for this cross country journey and hope to see you somewhere along the way!