Photos: Day 33

July 18, 2023 – Riding from Farmington, Missouri over the Mississippi River, and into Chester, Illinois. The landscape gave way to more farmland, now with softer hills and pockets of woodland. Threats of severe thunderstorms forced me to take cover at a remote church that luckily had a covered picnic area. Once the clouds broke, I was back at it, headed for my destination of Carbondale and a Super 8 Motel. (Livin’ Large!)


  1. Meditation! Ha!

  2. Max! I had a lot of catching up to do but I enjoy reading your blog and I love your pictures! I have a story for you…
    Last week I set off to meet Kat at the gym with a warning from Curt that I had a short window before a storm came through. I was determined to get a good ride beforehand, so I set off and immediately thought of YOU. Very warm as I went out around 4 but there was a slight breeze stirring. The pavement smelled acrid and of rain, rain clouds had already passed by earlier. As I began a 900 ft. ascent up County rt 10 the wind became stronger, and I could hear the thunder in the distance. I begin imagining your time out on those long stretches facing the adverse weather, animals/insects, logistical challenges but most of all I wondered about how you’ve entertained yourself. Before reading how you make phone calls and audio books, I thought of all the time you have had to contemplate any assortment of topics. It reminded me of when I trained full–time, and I finally realized those long training days provided “mediation” practice – a time to think OR a time to just be. During a tough training day/period it was great to be able to turn “off” the mind or solve any current “problem”. Many of my personal decisions, goals, and ah ha moments occurred during these times. On those tough days it came down to just getting started…As I continued my ride, and the thunder was getting closer I was psyched to make it to the beginning of the 1,185 ft descent into town. It was now a race against getting wet! Going through town two different gentlemen standing outside on their porches encouraged me with “you better get going” and smiles. Six minutes out a pitter patter of rain started but I was still sure I could make it. Well, no, the skies opened, and a DELUGE of rain began. The last three minutes I contemplated pulling over to join a motorcyclist finding refuge under a tree, but I continued on wondering the whole time if anyone has ever been struck by lightning while biking? As I walked into the Y Katrin was on the phone with Curt, he was checking if I had made it. I did and I took video from the safety of the building. The storm that came through was wicked. I rode back in the van with Katrin. The damage and debris left behind was nuts, with no electricity at home. My short biking adventure – a total of 13 miles, 1 hour ( : is nothing compared to yours. A small taste is more than enough for me to appreciate the grit, perseverance, and determination you have had on this adventure. You’re almost there! Good luck and may the winds be in your favor!

    • Thanks for the story Deb! Sounds like a fun ride, but scary storm 💪🏼 Riding in the rain can be fun – it’s just those thunderstorms that are scary. I don’t know if anyone’s ever been struck by lightning while biking, but I certainly don’t want to be the first!