Photos: Day 30

July 15, 2023 – At 5 miles into my ride, I crossed into my EIGHTH state, Missouri. It felt good to get the long hot straight and windy roads of Kansas behind me. Today I would ride on through the western portion of Missouri on the Flint Hills, arriving at my destination, the Wommack Mill in Fair Grove, Missouri. They offer camping for cyclists, and I just happened to arrive on the same day that the Historical Society was having its ice cream social. They welcomed me in, gave me a VIP tour of the mill and its grounds, provided shelter for my bike and me, and invited me to join the celebration. They fed me all the pulled pork sandwiches and ice cream I could eat, and wouldn’t take a dime for it. Thank you to Leon, Sherri and Wommack Mill Historical Society.


  1. That looks like some good BBQ! Love looking at the rural areas of the country via your pictures. Stay Safe!

  2. Wonderful welcome into Missouri. Beautiful sunrise pix. Was the ice cream social planned ahead of time? Such friendly people. Did u go in the bouncy house? did u know ahead of time you’d get so much attention at different places across the country? After what you wrote I can almost picture you flipping over backwards going up a steep hill. Ugh. BC did you bike 100 miles yesterday I love 💛💛💛 you.