
Photos from my cross-country ride from the mouth of the Columbia River in Washington to Race Point in Provincetown, Massachusetts. (June, July, and just a little bit of August, 2023)

Day1 - Starting at the Oregon Coast

Day 1

Friday, June 16, 2023

The Oregon Coast at the mouth of the Columbia River to Portland, Oregon.

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Day 2 - Waterfalls

Day 2

Saturday, June 17, 2023

Leaving Portland and biking along the Columbia River. Saw quite a few waterfalls!

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Day 3 - On the Columbia River

Day 3

Sunday, June 18, 2023

I started off with high hopes, but soon ran into trouble with multiple flat tires. Found some good friends on the road…

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Day 4 - Hat Rock State Park

Day 4

Monday, June 19, 2023

Riding with a strong tailwind from Maryhill State Park to Hat Rock State Park. Good food and a new friend…

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Day 5 - Getting wheel repairs Allegro Cyclery in Walla Walla, Washington.

Day 5

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Long gravel roads, some backtracking, more gravel roads, and then much needed repairs…

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Day 6 - Idyllic camping on Silcott Island on the Snake River near Lewiston, WA and the Idaho border.

Day 6

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Summer Solstice! Longest Day. Long ride.

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Day 7 - Historic Lewiston (Made it to Idaho!)

Day 7

Thursday, June 22

Traveling from Silcott Island in Montana to Kooski Idaho along the Snake and Clearwater Rivers.

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Day 8 - Lolo Pass

Day 8

Friday, June 23

Kooskie to near the top of Lolo Pass. An all-day 100-mile climb. Camping in the wilderness.

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Day 9 - A Snowball at Lolo Pass

Day 9

Saturday, June 24

Today would be a relatively short day, and a nice long downhill into Missoula!

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Day 10 - Lost Trail trailhead, at the intersection of 93 and 43

Day 10

Sunday, June 25

Riding along the Bitterroot Trail south of Missoula, then up and over Chief Joseph Pass.

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Day 11 - Big Hole Pass, Montana

Day 11

Monday, June 26

From Wisdom, up over Big Hole Pass, and on into Yellowstone for a little break from riding.

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Day 12 - Yellowstone River Waterfall

Day 12

Tuesday, June 27

A day off from biking, and some fun hikes with Cousins, Scotty and Daniel in Yellowstone.

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Day 13 - Exploring the Grand Tetons

Day 13

Wednesday, June 28

Exploring by foot – A little more Yellowstone, then The Grand Tetons for the rest of the day.

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Day 14 - Riding South through Wyoming

Day 14

Thursday, June 29

Riding south through Wyoming and hitting 1000 miles along the way.

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Day 15 - At the hot springs in Saratoga, Wyoming

Day 15

Friday, June 30

Riding south to Saratoga, Wyoming where I indulged in the healing waters of their FREE hot springs.

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Day16 - Welcome to Colorado!

Day 16

Saturday, July 1

Riding from Saratoga, WY to Walden, CO. Lots of hills and wind – a challenge, as I add my 6th state to my tally.

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Day 17 - Me at the Continental Divide in Colorado

Day 17

Sunday, July 2

Riding from Walden to Windy Gap Reservoir, into Parshall, then to Breckenridge, Colorado.

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Day 18 - Riding into Buena Vista to the Cheers of my Friends

Day 18

Monday, July 3

Leaving Breckenridge, CO, and heading over Hoosier Pass into Buena Vista to rendezvous with friends from home.

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Day19 - Fireworks over Buena Vista, Colorado

Day 19

Tuesday, July 4

Taking a few days off to hand with friends in Buena Vista, Colorado. Hiking, Surfing and Fireworks!

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Day20 -River Rafting

Day 20

Wednesday, July 5

Hiking to Harvard Lakes, River Rafting on the Arkansas, and a care package from home.

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Day 21 - Climbing Mt. Elbert

Day 21

Thursday, July 6

Today we climbed Mt. Elbert. At 14,439 feet, it is the highest peak in Colorado (and 2nd in the Continental US)

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Day 22- Success

Day 22

Friday, July 7

Back to the Arkansas for more River Surfing. I was determined to stand up on that board!

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Day 23 - The Skyline Trail

Day 23

Saturday, July 8

Leaving Buena Visa, Discovering the Skyline Bike Trail and heading into the flatland.

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Day 24 - Roadside Curiosities - Onley Springs, Colorado

Day 24

Sunday, July 9

Colorado flat land, Pueblo to Eads, and then on to Sheridan Lakes.

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Day 25 - Me! Just into the central Time Zone, in Kansas. It's hot and windy.

Day 25

Monday, July 10

Riding from Sheridan Lake, Colorado and into Kansas. It’s Hot, it’s windy, it’s straight and flat.

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Day 26 - The new "Handanas!" Take that sunshine!

Day 26

Tuesday, July 11

Playing a bit of catchup. Pics coming soon.

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Day 27- Everett, A Commuter Cyclist in Kansas

Day 27

Wednesday, July 12

Great Bend, Kansas to Newton, Kansas – Another hot day, but the promise of AC at the end.

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Day 28 - Handanas!

Day 28

Thursday, July 13

Today, I hit 2000 miles of total miles on the road. The heat and wind continue.

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Day - 29 - Morning Glow on Mammatus Clouds

Day 29

Friday, July 14

Early morning thunderstorms lighting up the sky and onward to AC in Toronto!

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Day 30 - A singer covering “American Kids” by Kenny Chesney

Day 30

Saturday, July 15

Pittsburg, Kansas to Fair Grove, Missouri – Cyclist Camping and Ice Cream Social – Wommack Mill

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Day 31 - Lunch at Dogs Bluff on Big Piney River in Houston, Missouri. I took a swim here.

Day 31

Sunday, July 16

Fair Grove, MO to Summersville, MO: A hazy sunrise, a refreshing water hole, and dealing with dogs.

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Day 32 - Rain shelter on an old convenience store porch.

Day 32

Monday, July 17

Along the Ozark Riverway in Missouri. Lots of hills, a fire tower to climb and dealing with thunderstorms.

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Day 33 - Looking back toward Missouri over the mighty Mississippi River

Day 33

Tuesday, July 18

Leaving Missouri and riding over the Mississippi into Illinois. State Number 9!

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Day 34 - Welcome to Kentucky! State #10!

Day 34

Wednesday, July 19

The ride from Carbondale, IL to Henderson, KY was a WET one. (10 States!)

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Day 35 - Marengo Cave. My Campground for tonight.

Day 35

Thursday, July 20

Heading a little North-East now, following the Kentucky Indian Border to Marengo Cave.

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Day 36 - OK. Looks pretty closed.

Day 36

Friday, July 21

Gravel roads, road closures, a headwind and to top it off, a flat tire. Rough one today.

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Day 37 - Welcome to OHIO! (State Number 12)

Day 37

Saturday, July 22

Riding from Greendale to London, Ohio. This was a nice section to ride because it was mainly bicycle-only bike trails all along the Miami River.

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Day 38 - Touring the King Tut Exhibit at the COSI (Center of Science and Industry) museum in Columbus.

Day 38

Sunday, July 23

A day off with extended family in Ohio. We talked, ate out, BBQ-ed and toured the King Tut Exhibit in Columbus. Plus, I got some much needed maintenance done on the bike.

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Day 39 - Barn Door (Old Biker)

Day 39

Monday, July 24

Riding from Newark to Hartville, Ohio, battling gravel roads, street closures, and the uncertainty of finding acceptable lodging.

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Day 40 - Sunset at my Lake Erie Campsite

Day 40

Tuesday, July 25

Hartville, Ohio to Ripley, New York – Lakeside Campground

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Day 41- Family welcome at Niagara Falls

Day 41

Wednesday, July 26

Ripley, New York to the Wyndham Garden Hotel in Niagara Falls, New York

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Day 42 - Looking back toward Niagara Falls from an overlook in Canada

Day 42

Thursday, July 27

A “rest day” at Niagara Falls: Sleeping in and then taking a quick bike ride into Canada

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Day 43 - Dad, Mom, Will and I at Wayne Central High School in Ontario, NY. Dad is done, and I'm headed off with Mom and Will for another 12 miles.

Day 43

Friday, July 28

A “Family Ride” – Niagara Falls, New York to Syracuse, New York.

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Day 44 - The Great Sacandaga Lake

Day 44

Saturday, July 29

Riding from Syracuse to The Great Sacandaga Lake in Day, New York where I would stay with my friend, Erik’s family.

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Day 44 - Gifts from my friend, Erik's family

Day 45

Sunday, July 30

A rest day at the Schreiners’ house in Day, New York with a quick circuit ride around The Great Sacandaga Lake.

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Day 46 - My friends, Miguel and Enio met me at the Brattleboro hotel with fixins for PB & Banana Burritos!

Day 46

Monday, July 31

Day, NY to Brattleboro, Vermont where I would meet up with my friends, Miguel and Enio.

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Day 47 - Welcome to Massachusetts. My last state, state Number 17 and my home.

Day 47

Tuesday, August 1

Brattleburo, Vermont to my home away from home, Lowell House at Harvard University.

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Day 48- Challenge Complete!

Day 48

Wednesday, August 2

Coming home: Riding from Harvard University to Provincetown, MA at the tip of Cape Cod, My Home. I’m done today.

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… after

Wednesday, August 12

A few shots of the “after party” with family and friends who followed me and helped support me over the last month and a half.

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