Recent Comments

Below is a listing of my most recently received comments (all in one place). See the blog itself to read my journal and see comments on each post or photo gallery.

(Note: The first time you post, I have to approve it, and can’t always do that right away. I do see all your comments, and post them, but sometimes it takes a while. I try to respond to everyone too, so please check back later, or the next day for updates.)

  1. Max, what an amazing accomplishment! I’m teary eyed reading this last post. Cheers to a job well done!!👍

  2. Congratulations, Max! Ray and I have been following your adventures all along the route. This is a huge achievement and…

  3. Congratulations Max! What an amazing journey! These experiences will stay with you forever! You’ve proven that you can accomplish anything…

  4. Thanks Curt! Wish I could have seen you along with the rest of the Schreiners, but I still had a…

  5. So close to the finish! Way to go Max!!

  6. Wish we could have been there. Good luck on the rest of your trip!

  7. Thanks Beth! It’ll be fun to do the rides the next few days. I’ll be recognizing more and more of…

  8. ❤️❤️❤️ So glad you could come along with me! And for 💯! That’s no small feat!!!

  9. Woot woot!!! You are so close. So nice to recognize where you are!!!! Amazing amazing amazing accomplishment!!!!