Day 9: Downhill to Missoula

Lolo Pass, Idaho (Elevation: 5233 ft) to Missoula, Montana (Elevation: 3209 ft) (home)

It rained last night! At least we were all set up in our tents before it started. Free-camping in the woods was exciting! Very cold morning, needed my warm gear to start.

We started the climb right away –> first with 7 steady miles of ascent. On this part we met another bike packer headed to Missoula. She was going to take a few days to get there though. Next, we had 4 miles of a very steep climb to the top of Lolo Pass –> the highest point at 5233 ft. At the ranger station at the top we got a nice breakfast and they had free hot chocolate! Starting down, we immediately crossed into Montana and gained an hour back by entering the Mountain time zone. We bombed down the steep part with almost no cars, then a steady downhill into the town of Lolo.

After that we were on a bike path all the way to Jeremy’s niece’s house in Missoula. There I met our hosts, Summer, Brandon and their 4 kids, along with Summer’s brother, Max! It was an early day after the initial climb, but I was rewarded with a BBQ pork sandwich for lunch, 2 huge piles of spaghetti, salad, cake, popcorn and cookies for dinner.

Saw lots of deer (and even a fawn) in the yard! They also helped me get prepared with some bear spray for the next part of the trip. Thank you all for hosting me tonight! Jeremy and I go our separate ways tomorrow. Glad to have a friend for a bit. Thanks, Jeremy for your help, support and company. Good luck the rest of the way! View Pics and Videos ->

Distance: 55.67(725.14 total miles)
Time: 4:14:37
Ascent: 1946
Descent: 2382

Day 9 - Jeremy and I at the Lolo Pass Summit
Day 9 – Jeremy and I at the Lolo Pass Summit
Day 9 - Welcome to Montana
Day 9 – Welcome to Montana
Day 9 - Jeremy's Niece's Family - Missoula, MT
Day 9 – Jeremy’s Niece’s Family – Missoula, MT


  1. Farewell Jeremy! Max – every night I am on the edge of my seat waiting to hear the adventures you encountered from the day. So happy you are sharing these updates with us. Stay safe!

  2. Max! Following your journey is so freakin cool! Every road note, photo, and update continues to make me in awe of everything you’re doing and all you have accomplished. The joy and excitement on your face, as well as everyone your meeting, speaks volumes to the kind of person you are. You’re adventurous and courageous spirit is taking you to incredible places and introducing you to amazing strangers (that you now call friends). I am becoming more jealous of each and every new experience, friend, and family you meet.
    Something you said to me last week has stuck with me. As I questioned your comfort in relying on strangers, you told me “if you can be a little trusting, there are good people everywhere.” Im a sucker for a good quote, and that one just made the list!
    Theres just something about you that brings people together and makes goodbyes incredibly hard. You are so very awesome! Love you, and be careful in bear country.

  3. Just remembered Judy’s son Josh lives in Missoula. Micah Bogage lives 1/2 hr away in Arlee

  4. So great to hear you made it to Jeremy’s niece’s house. I was thinking a lot about you while you had no service. Comforting to know you had Jeremy by your side. I was your age when I visited Montana and did a lot of remote exploring/camping/hiking with a friend. The bear attack threat is real. She and I slept in our her a few nights as rangers said it wasn’t safe to sleep outside. If camp sites are closed due to danger of bear attacks, find a place inside to sleep. I think you can sleep in church basements, civic centers or town community centers. Be alert, safe and be smart. Love you.

    • Good advice Beth! Just ran into someone who said bears are definitely a problem in the national parks! Thankfully I’ll be in hotels mostly in there!

  5. Kind of exciting (scary) to think you are in bear country. Tilex house cleaner works, too. Hope you could stand as u raced down hill Such a happy fun gracious family you met in Montana. Was your plan to meet up with the niece ? Love the pix. Sad to Separate from Jeremy I almost. Can’t wait for your posts and esp pix which Vinny and Emma helped me find. BC! And I love you

  6. First big mountain pass conquered! Wish Jeremy safe travels from us. We’re grateful you 2 got to ride the road for a bit. Tell him he always has a place to stay on Cape Cod if he’s ever out this way.
    Now what’s this I hear about bear spray!? Stay safe, love you!