Day 6: A Riding Companion

Breakfast from the hotel – ate as much as I could and swiped a bunch of bananas to go. Ugh! The GPS didn’t charge last night, so I had to charge it up as I went. Got to Dayton, Washington really early, but after peddling through town, I hit more gravel roads. I had to turn back and have now decided to stay on highway 12 until Missoula. The detour did bring me to a cool historic site – The Lewis and Clark camp site – with hundreds of metal silhouette statues.

On the way to Pomeroy, Washington I hit 2000 feet above sea level for the first time! Then I was onto a long downhill stretch, bringing me back below 1000 feet. It’s so hot out in the middle of the day, and I realize now that I burned the right side of my right leg really bad. The heat just comes up off the road! My butt is also crazy sore today. I stopped at the Pomeroy Ranger Station for lunch and saw another cyclist ride through. We had lunch together, and now I have a riding buddy until Missoula!

He’s a high school teacher from Portland, doing the “Portland, Oregon to Portland Maine” route. We powered up another mountain. This one was long and slow – Mt. Alpowa Summit: 2785 ft, but the downhill was crazy! Five miles of steep downhills cruising at 40 mph and then another 8 of steady down. Jeremy paid for our campsite at Chief Timothy Park – a little island surrounded by The Snake River, with high mountains all around. Such amazing views! Jumped in the river before bed! VIEW PHOTOS –>

Distance: 95.22 Time: 7:03:03
Ascent: 4068
Descent: 4347

I meet Jeremy - Portland to Portland rider.
I meet Jeremy – Portland to Portland rider.
Camping on Silcott Island (Chief Timothy Park)
Camping on Silcott Island (Chief Timothy Park)


  1. This is an epic journey already, Max! Powering through adversity, meeting kind and helpful people, and seeing more of the country in just 6 days than most will ever see. You are awesome and inspiring! Looking forward to your next report! Keep rollin!

  2. Love reading about your journey! Glad you found a riding buddy. Great photos!!

  3. So glad you found someone to ride with. I bet it’s a comfort. Slather on some sunscreen and journey on!!!

    • Love having a riding buddy! My right side is getting baked! No amount of sunscreen seems to be enough – but not stopping me from trying!

  4. That downhill sounds like a blast! Good thing you have new tires!! So glad you found a riding companion too.