Day 44: Riding for Lasagna

Syracuse, New York to Day, New York – Schreiner’s House

I had a big breakfast at the hotel with my parents before heading off. Dad drove me out of the city, and back to my route. I left around 5:15 a.m., and it was real easy riding for the morning. I’m so glad to have spent a few days with my family. I will be seeing them again real soon.

My destination for the day is my friend Erik’s house on the Great Sacandaga Lake in Day, NY. His mom was in touch with my mom and I had heard lasagna might be on the dinner menu- motivation to ride fast. I called Flo early in the day, and I got to Utica, NY without any major issues. There was one closed road that I had to navigate around, but I’m used to that by now. I got back to the Erie Canal Trail and called Uncle Pete. He may try to ride with me for a bit on my way from Boston to Cape Cod. I encountered the biggest hill I’ve seen in days, climbing 500 feet in 1.5 miles. I stopped at the top to enjoy the view, and eat one of the ham sandwiches Dad made me.

On the road again, I came to a bridge that was out, and I had to backtrack. I rerouted and found the Erie Canal Trail again. This section wasn’t paved, but it was dry-packed, and I could still go fairly quickly. I soon got back on the paved road and back to NY Bike Route 5. My parents had been calling me all morning with reports of torrential downpours everywhere, but so far, somehow, I had avoided all the rain. Then, at mile 85, my luck ran out. It started as just a drizzle, but quickly became an absolute downpour. I wish I could have taken more photos, but my phone wasn’t working with all the water. I was on another bike trail through town, and I got lots of funny looks from people taking shelter as I rode through the storm.

I crossed over the Great Sacandaga Lake and thought I was further along than I was. I didn’t realize I had to cross the lake twice! Finally, I got to the “Saratoga Biathlon Club” sign. I had made it to Erik’s! (Sidenote: Both Erik’s parents are winter Olympians, and his family operates a biathlon course on their property!) As I looked at the Schreiner’s house, I realized this was the first landmark on the entire trip that I recognized.

I had to walk my bike up the Schreiner’s steep, gravel driveway, and was greeted by Bitsy and Beau barking. Katrin, my friend Erik’s sister, opened the door, and had lasagna and ice cream ready for dinner (thank you Deb). We ate dinner with their grandparents and uncle, and shared lots of laughs. Unfortunately, Curt, Deb and Erik were all out of town, but they left me a pile of snacks. A huge thanks to all the Schreiners!

I’ll be taking a day off tomorrow because I’m actually a day ahead of schedule, and very tired. Only 3 more days of riding before my cross country journey is complete! VIEW PHOTOS

Distance:127.57(3656.45 total miles)
Time: 9:45:27
Ascent: 4111
Descent: 3143

Day 44- Early morning riding
Day 44- Early morning riding
Day 44- The road ahead
Day 44- The road ahead
Day 44- Riding for lasagna!
Day 44- Riding for lasagna. Yum!

Hey! I’d love to hear from you guys. Please leave me a note if you can.

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  1. Woot woot!!! You are so close. So nice to recognize where you are!!!!
    Amazing amazing amazing accomplishment!!!!

    • Thanks Beth! It’ll be fun to do the rides the next few days. I’ll be recognizing more and more of it!

  2. 3 more days!? How can that be? Incredible!