Day 43: Family Ride Day

Niagara Falls, New York to Syracuse, New York – Crest Hill Suites

Dad wanted to ride along with me today, and his goal was to do 100 miles. We woke up early, ate breakfast, and started riding at 5:00 a.m. We did some pre-dawn city riding, which was a bit slow going, but right around sunrise, at 20 miles into our ride, we hit the Erie Canal Cycle Way. It was paved, and made for some fun riding. Sadly, the pavement quickly turned into an endless stretch of muddy gravel, ill-suited for our skinny-tired road bikes. We had to recalculate, and go off route – finding our way through the country side roads for our anticipated next 80 miles. It was fast going since I was able to drop most of my gear (all my extra weight) in my parents’ “support car.” Mom and Will were driving, and planned to meet us at our checkpoint, mile 80 in Rochester, NY. As we approached the last intersection before our meeting point, Dad saw them waiting for us in the parking lot. We waved to each other, and Dad got so distracted, that he crashed right into me as I was stopped in traffic at a red light. He couldn’t clip out in time and tipped over (think of the Joe Biden falling off his bike video) and that was his second toe-clip tumble of the day! Aside from his pride, he was fine though, and ready to make the push for the final 20 miles. We got some cold drinks from the car, and set out to do our final 20, planning to meet up again at Wayne Central High School in Ontario, NY.

But that wouldn’t be before two more mishaps and almost a third. Just before we got out of the Rochester city limits, I tipped over at an intersection, unable to unclip in time, obviously just trying to make Dad feel better :). The second one happened with less than 5 miles to go, and we were really moving at a good pace. Dad hit a deep rut in the pavement with his rear wheel, and got a flat tire. Honestly, I’ve never seen a flat fixed so fast! Before I knew it we were off again. We pulled into the high school parking lot to cheers from Mom and Will. Dad did 100 miles with me! That was his goal, and I could tell he was very excited. Riding up to Mom and Will, for a celebratory photo, Dad crashed into me again!

We made sandwiches for lunch, ate quickly, and I was off again, this time with Mom and Will. It was hot, but flat riding through the back country roads. After 12 miles, we all stopped to meet Dad, who was the “support car” driver this time. It was fun riding with my family for a small part of my journey, and I’m so happy they came out to meet me. I was feeling really good. So, leaving my riding buddies behind to drive ahead and find a hotel, I decided to make the push all the way to Syracuse (another 66 miles away). Not long into this section of the ride, my flat road became really hilly. I guess I’m out of the Great Lakes region. Endurance-wise I felt good, but my butt started to hurt really bad. I guess all those miles were catching up with me. Close to the hotel, I hit a closed road section, but luckily it only set me back a few miles.

I talked to Johnny P. and Georgia on the phone, and that helped pass the time. Hopefully, Georgia can ride a bit of the trail with me after I get to Harvard. I got to the hotel in Syracuse, and was really tired, but Mom and Dad had a cold Gatorade and Body Armour waiting for me as I rode into the parking lot. They cheered as I announced my Personal Best (daily) distance – 178 MILES! We went out to a great Mexican restaurant in downtown Syracuse for dinner, “Margaritas.” I ate 3 bowls of chips and salsa, and a giant pork burrito.

The Christopher family collectively logged over 300 miles on the bike today! Let’s Go!

Distance: 178.26(3528.88 total miles)
Time: 11:49:30
Ascent: 4639
Descent: 4777

Day 43- 5:00 a.m. and ready to roll
Day 43- 5:00 a.m. and ready to roll
Day 43- Mom & Will's turn riding
Day 43- Mom & Will’s turn riding
Day 43- Final stretch. 178 mile day!
Day 43- Final stretch. 178 mile day!

Hey! I’d love to hear from you guys. Please leave me a note if you can.

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  1. Bruce Christopher

    Thank you for letting me tag along. This was quite an experience for me, and I am so thankful to have had the opportunity to be a part of this extraordinary adventure that you’re on. I knew it was going to be hard getting up to your alarm at 4:30 am, after packing the car and prepping for checkout the night before. Even though I got to bed at a reasonable hour, I lay awake in anticipation of the ride ahead, watching the digits on the clock get closer and closer to midnight until I eventually dozed off.

    Getting up and out of the room, in the dark, four hours later was very difficult, but the crisp morning air and thrill of riding through the quiet, empty city streets quickly snapped me into workout mode. What a different scene for Niagara Falls, as we sped along behind our bike lights. We could really cruise with the roads void of the endless lines of tourist-filled cars and intersections filled with bustling pedestrian vacationers.

    Out of the city, and still early meant we could make good time through the rural sections. I enjoyed watching you in your element, and how you were enjoying a much lighter bike for the day. I’m glad I could keep up with you. My biggest fear was that I would slow you down, but if you were slowing up for me, you never let me know it. You encouraged me and made sure I had plenty of water and food all along the way. We took in the sights, laughed at my mishaps, and I see that you got some great pics and video along the way. I loved the time-lapse one and laughed so hard at the end.

    As a dad, watching any of my children excel in and be truly passionate about whatever they are doing brings extreme joy and intense pride into my heart. Being able to immerse myself in your daily experience on this epic adventure of yours was magical to me. I was there with you, seeing what you were seeing and feeling what you were feeling, even if it was only for a small fraction of your entire trip. It meant so much to me. Thank you 🙂.

    • ❤️❤️❤️
      So glad you could come along with me! And for 💯! That’s no small feat!!!

  2. classic dad

  3. Great you could ride together. Impressive mileage, especially with the mishaps.
    Keep it up, you’re almost there.

  4. Sounds like a great day and congrats on the 178 miles! I got winded just reading that. Loved the Biden reference 🤣🤣🤣

  5. Well done Christopher family! Such impressive distances, even with a couple mishaps 🙂