Day 41: On to Niagara Falls

Ripley, New York to Niagara Falls, New York – Wyndham Garden Hotel

I woke up a 3:45 a.m., and it was completely dark. The night sky was lit up with stars over my tent, and I saw a shooting star right as I got the motivation to get out of my tent. I finally took off just before 5:00, after returning the extension cord to the “big red truck.” With my headlight going strong, I was pelted by bugs all morning until the sun finally came up. The bugs were attracted to my light, and were getting in my eyes and mouth. I had to keep my head straight down to have a chance of seeing anything. I even wore my sunglasses in the pitch black, just so I could see something in front of me as I went.

I was riding on New York Bike Route 517, and at about 20 miles I saw another biker leave a campground entrance ahead of me. I caught up with him, and rode with Tom for about 10 miles before he stopped at a convenience store for coffee and breakfast. He was traveling extremely light, and I didn’t even realize he was touring at first. He was clearly a professional, and dropped all unnecessary weight. He said if he doesn’t use it everyday, he doesn’t carry it. About 10 miles later, I stopped for breakfast, and right as I started up again, Tom came up behind me. We discovered we were both going through Buffalo before we would part ways. Tom was heading to points East, and I would be turning North towards Niagara. After a while of riding, our route traveled right along the lake, and we were able to see Buffalo on the horizon. We decided to pull off at a park across the street which was right on the lake, to get some good photos, and rest for a minute or two. I was in the lead, and saw that there weren’t any cars for a while behind me. I signaled left, and pulled out into the street. Immediately, from far behind me, I heard a car horn sound, and freaking out, I glanced behind me. I was in no danger, the car was at least a football field away. The pickup truck blasted its horn continuously until it pulled up aside me. The guy aggressively yelled at me, “You trying to fucking die?” I was so pissed at this guy in the moment, and was glad Tom was near behind, which restrained me enough not to blow up at this idiot. I just responded calmly, but loud enough for the guy to hear, “Only if you were planning on running me down” as he sped away. After the fact, I was glad the situation didn’t escalate, but I was so mad. I don’t understand how people in cars, with the power to easily kill a biker, can get so mad about losing a few seconds, and in this guy’s case, the only time he lost was slowing down to try to intimidate me.

We got to Buffalo, and rode the “Shoreline Trail” all the way through. It was a good trail, except for a small section that was in desperate need of repaving, but it was definitely a slower crawl through he city. We went our separate ways at South Grand Island Bridge, which is north of Buffalo. Tom is headed towards Boston, so I may see him again before the ride is over. He’ll be staying in Nahant with his family for a bit when he finishes. Coincidentally, I did a lot of my training rides in Nahant.

Next, I crossed the North Grand Island Bridge into the city of Niagara Falls. Dad met me about a quarter mile from the hotel on his bike, and gave me an escort the rest of the way. In the hotel parking lot, Mom and Will were waiting for me, cheering me on. We all went to the Falls and then got lunch at Anchor Bar. I got a huge plate of queso fries, and a queso burger. So good! When we got back to the hotel I realized how tired I was, and I took a lil’ nap. We went out to dinner for some really good NY style pizza at The Craft Kitchen & Bar. After that, we watched the fireworks over the falls, which were lit up red white and blue. Another good day! The time went by quickly with a riding buddy, and it was so good to see my family again! We’ll have some time to explore Niagara Falls tomorrow and maybe I’ll head into Canada to take this ride international! VIEW PHOTOS

Distance: 91.36(3313.68 total miles)
Time: 7:11:40
Ascent: 2129
Descent: 2146

Day 41- Tom and I riding some miles
Day 41- Tom and I riding some miles
Day 41- Escort into Niagara
Day 41- Escort into Niagara
Day 41- Family welcome
Day 41- Family welcome

Hey! I’d love to hear from you guys. Please leave me a note if you can.

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  1. Let’s go!!! I can’t believe how far you have traveled Max. Just amazing! F that crazy dude. Glad you kept you cool but I’m sure it was difficult. Beautiful falls!

  2. So happy you’re with family!! I know your mom and dad have been waiting for this moment all summer!! Can’t believe it’s been 3 weeks since you left our place. Amazing! Wishing all the best for your final days to Cape Cod.

    • Thanks Kathy! So good to see the fam. And I know! It feels like I was just surfing the Arkansas and climbing mountains!

  3. Dad's Boozy Friend Chase

    Wow, that was weird. When I read the line that said “Dad met me a quarter of a mile from the hotel …” I immediately pictured Dude. Man, that guy was a saint, the dipshit things he put up with from your father and I … Well, I don’t know how he did it. Sorry about the asshole driver, I used to catch hell from drivers on my way to work, I’m a guy in a tie and business attire riding a city-bike in a bike lane and assholes would honk, swerve at me, or park in the bike lane. The U.S. is full of assholes. Sounds like a great ride. If you go into Canada, be sure to have your passport, eh? You need it.

    • Haha thanks Chase! Luckily I’ve run into more of the good people in the US this trip, but it only takes one person to ruin a biker’s day. I prefer to focus on the random passerbys who’ve offered food, drinks or other support! Miss you Peepah!