Day 36: Road Closures & Gravel

Marengo, Indiana to Greendale, Indiana – Red Roof Inn

I had a nice camping spot in an empty campground. However, I soon realized, a train was just across the creek. I got to listen to the train whistle blowing all night long. I finally fell asleep, but was woken up by rain on my feet and head. I didn’t put on the rain fly last night because it was hot, and I was under the shelter, but a flash thunderstorm rolled in and rain blew into my tent. Luckily, I didn’t get too wet.

I got going later than I wanted to again, having to wait for sunrise, and spent the morning riding through lots of winding backroads. I’m going slow here, with lots of tiny, but super-steep hills killing my momentum. Deep in the middle of nowhere, I hit a gravel road. Luckily, there were deep ruts exposing packed dirt underneath, and I could ride on. I knew I was going to have to try and power through as I was in the middle of nowhere. It ended up being 3 miles of slow riding, but nothing too perilous, before getting back on the paved road. And now, of course, headwinds have returned. The best way to tell if you have a headwind is if you can smell the roadkill before you see it. I came upon a road closure, and after talking to some locals on an ATV, learned a big bridge was out, and it was definitely impassable. I took some side roads, more gravel, and was annoyed to find my reconnection was still coming up on the same road closure. This time I went through the road closed signs, and tried to get through. I had passed by the bridge, and it turns out, with a smile and a wave the workers will just let you ride through the construction zone.

At Cross Plains, I refilled my water and bought a sandwich for lunch. Right after, I bombed down a long hill and came to another road closed sign. I talked to someone mowing their lawn, and he said they weren’t working today, and on a bike, I could probably sneak through, and wade across the river (another downed bridge). I wasn’t going to reroute, so I tried it. Luckily, there was a temporary bridge (gravel) for the construction workers, so after dodging some big machinery, it was an easy cross. I climbed a big hill and got back to the highway. I passed my initial destination for the day, hoping to ride a few extra miles today. Sadly, to cap off a tough day, I got a flat tire for the first time since week 1. It was a quick fix, but frustrating at mile 110 on the day. Finally, I got to the hotel, and ate 2 Big Macs from McDonald’s next door. I was starving, and craving some gross, fatty foods. Now for a nice long sleep!

Distance: 118.46(2868.48 total miles)
Time: 9:37:11
Ascent: 5564
Descent: 5659

Day 36 - Mist on an Indiana Meadow
Day 36 – Mist on an Indiana Meadow
Day 36 - The Road is REALLY closed ahead.
Day 36 – Road closures and gravel roads in rural Indiana.
Day 36 - A FLAT!! And on the back wheel too.
Day 36 – A flat tire to cap off a tough day.

Hey! I’d love to hear from you guys. Please leave me a note if you can.

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  1. So great to hear your voice Max! Thanks for the call. Enjoy your time with family! Enjoy your rest day 🙂

  2. So SO great to talk to you on your ride this morning. Jan and I really enjoyed it. I felt like I was right there with you – even jumping off the bike to check out the bald eagle and it’s catch. Glad you weren’t too distracted from your directions. One extra spin around the rotary wasn’t too bad. Hope that bike trail was scenic and a nice break from the busy roads. Say hi to Jenni and her family from me.
    Love you.
    You’re so close!!!!!