Day 35: Indiana

Henderson, Kentucky to Marengo, Indiana – Marengo Cave Campgrounds

Unfortunately, yesterday’s storms killed my “water resistant” headlight, and not even a bag of rice could save it. So this morning, I had to leave a little later, waiting for the sun to rise. Joy was up early and sent me on my way with a big breakfast of cereal, PBJ & banana sandwich, pasta, dried mangoes, and another sandwich for the road. Thank you again to Jeff and Joy for a great stay, sending me on my way will a full stomach and plenty of snacks for the road ahead. Today, I’m starting the Underground Railroad Trail, although I’ve decided to only follow it loosely, more or less determining my own path from here.

With potential rain on the horizon, I stopped to cover my sleeping bag with a tarp and ate some breakfast. As it turns out, there would be no rain today aside from a little sprinkle. At Hawesville, Kentucky, I biked over the Lincoln Trail Bridge, and crossed the Ohio River into Indiana. The rest of the ride wasn’t too eventful, but my butt is starting to hurting again. I think all these days of 100 mile rides is catching up to me.

I got to the Marengo Cave Campgrounds at about 4:00 pm. It was a long day on the road. I set up my tent before exploring the caves. The Marengo Caves are a U.S. National Landmark and I took a guided tour into the Crystal Palace Cave. The discovered part of the cave system is over 5-miles and features amazing speleothems (stalactites, stalagmites) and spacious caverns. It was cool to explore. After the tour, I got a huge Oreo milkshake, and while talking with the cashier, I realized I had crossed into the Eastern time zone. Getting closer to home! I spent the rest of my night snacking and preparing for the road ahead. VIEW PHOTOS

Distance: 106.02(2750.02 total miles)
Time: 8:35:30
Ascent: 4753
Descent: 4616

Day 35 - Welcome to Indiana, state number 11!
Day 35 – Welcome to Indiana, state number 11!
Day 35 - Marengo Cave. My Campground for tonight.
Day 35 – Marengo Cave. My Campground for tonight.
Day 35 - Marengo Cave
Day 35 – Marengo Cave

Hey! I’d love to hear from you guys. Please leave me a note if you can.

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  1. Great work Max! You are inspiring many to try something new and push our boundaries! You are amazing!

  2. Goodness Max every day I read your posts I just can’t imagine what you’ve endured!! True grit! I’m so happy you’re in your home time zone. Sending positivity you way every day 🙂

  3. Caves look pretty cool! Way to push through the rain but good idea to navigate on foot. Woo Hoo!

  4. Hi max. Good to talk to you today. Glad u r getting a new head light. Did u toss the other. U could maybe get $$ back cuz it was defective. Being in your home time zone is exciting. Getting closer Careful in the cities.

    • Thanks Meems! Yeah, I’m trying to dodge most of the major cities and it’s too bad about the headlight, but I’ll get by