Day 3: Adversity Day!

I got up early and rode with the wind at my back for 25 miles (in only an hour and 45 min.), but then catastrophic failure. After 3 flat tires, I found that the rim guard, the protective coating between my tube and rim was cracked and tearing my tubes apart. I called a tow company for a ride back into the nearest town (15 miles in the WRONG direction) only to find all bike shops closed on Sunday. Luckily, while dragging my bike around, a friendly voice called out from a red pickup to offer help. I soon found myself riding to the home of Liam, Alina and their baby, Zealand, with their buddy Jacob along for the ride. They helped me fix my wheel, (even giving me parts off their own bikes) and then bought me lunch in the town of The Dalles, Oregon before sending me on my way.

I started my next leg of today’s ride at 3:30. and made it another to Maryhill State Park to camp for the night. There I met another long time cycle-tourist, Rolf, originally from Hamburg, Germany. As we talked, he offered up some tips he had gained from his 40 years of touring.

My campsite was beautiful, and right on the river, but I couldn’t help but think of the mile-long all-downhill ride from the highway to the the campground entrance. This would be a grueling start to tomorrow’s ride. I won’t be looking forward to THAT! VIEW PHOTOS –>

Distance: 50.08 Time: 3:36:09
Ascent: 2520
Descent: 2828

Liam and Family
Liam and Family – Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!

My first flat… and second, and third!!


  1. Thank you Liam and Family! I can’t believe this is only day 3 and so much adventure already!!

    • A few setbacks helped my adventure become so much more meaningful already! Love you Aunty Rose!

  2. Love this! What an amazing adventure! Here’s to no flat tires, moderate climbs and friendly smiles!