Day 28: Powering On

Newton, Kansas to Woodson Cove Campground in Toronto (Kansas)

I was ready to go at 5:30 a.m. and noticed Andrew (from the front desk) had stocked breakfast early for me. THANK YOU! I grabbed a fist full of granola bars and was on my way. Easy, fast riding until another headwind started at mile 25. From here the wind was constant and directly in my face. I checked my Garmin and found the wind was a sustained 10 mph directly from the East, and to make things worse, I was riding the Flint Hills. So headwinds, hills, and then came the HEAT! I was to face another day of 100+ degree weather. As trucks passed me they almost pushed me backwards with huge blasts of hot air. Today was the first day my legs were a limiting factor. It is so hot and my legs just feel tired. Heat, headwinds and now hills over the past week have destroyed my energy and motivation, but I’m still putting in 100 mile days. Ready for Kansas to be in my rear view!

I hit 2000 miles today just as I entered Eureka, Kansas (just as I passed over Fall River). I stopped for lunch and a water refill in the park, then left one of the Kindness Rocks at the pavilion. I got to the town of Toronto hoping to get an early dinner, but it was a GHOST TOWN. I was forced to head directly to the campsite without refueling. Good thing I had extra food and water. Biking into the park, I encountered more hills. Why are they so steep?? I set-up camp and jumped in Lake Toronto – murky and not very refreshing at 88 degrees! I ate some dinner (bean burrito and a Coke), and then prepared for a stormy tonight. Fingers crossed I’ll be OK, and the rain won’t too bad. It’s still so hot. It’s sweltering in my tent. Maybe the rain will cool things off a bit. I don’t think I’ll get much sleep tonight. I either have to fight the heat inside the tent or the bugs outside.

Distance: 101.10(2029.02 total miles)
Time: 8:32:42
Ascent: 2251
Descent: 2687

Day 28- Kansas cornfields
Day 28- Kansas cornfields
Day 28- Endless road
Day 28- Endless road
Day 28- Dinner
Day 28- Dinner

Hey! I’d love to hear from you guys. Please leave me a note if you can.

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  1. Is that You, Florian? Hope you are having a good summer I miss you. Love Meems

  2. The heat must be brutal! I really don’t know how you do it. I hope the storm wasn’t too bad. Cape Cod and the ocean are going to seem sweeter than ever when you get there.

  3. Max
    I hate to hear of your wind and heat struggles. Uugghh. Hope you rested last night despite the oven temps.
    Sending positive, cool thoughts your way😊😊

    • I’ll take all the positive cool thoughts you got! Headwinds and heat haven’t been easy, but the challenge will make it more meaningful when I’m through!

  4. Hey Max! Congrats on 2000 miles! Now is probably the hardest part of your trip but we all believe you can do this. You’re so close to being done! Reading how you keep on going every day despite all adversity is truly inspiring. Keep on pushing!