Day 25: Kansas

Sheridan Lake, Colorado to Dighton, Kansas- Heritage Hotel

I woke up at 4:30 this morning and cooked myself an egg sandwich then stocked up on lemonade. A big thanks to Jim and Pam and the Sheridan Lake Bible Church for hosting me. I got started at 5:30 a.m. It was a really misty and foggy morning. Apparently the grasshoppers like the afternoon sun and the frogs dominate the early morning roads. Most were tiny and hopped around just like the grasshoppers, but there were a few massive ones!

I rode into Kansas at 6:32 a.m.- State number SEVEN! A little later, about 27 miles into Kansas, I entered the central time zone. I’ve been riding against headwinds for 3 days in a row. I’m still going relatively fast, but it sucks fighting the wind. I stopped at a bakery, “Heartland Mills,” for lunch and saw an intricate ghost bike out front. It was a memorial to John Egbers, a cyclist killed on the TransAmerica Trail. His family pays for the food for all cross-country bikers who stop at the bakery. What a great way to pay it forward and honor his memory. I got a breakfast burrito and cherry pie. I sat outside at one of the picnic tables and read more about John, his life, and his adventures.

Back on the road the wind changed direction into a crazy cross-wind, blowing hard from the South. Today is also the first day the sun and heat got to me. Despite constantly reapplying sunblock, my hands got really badly burnt. I’ll have to find a store for gloves – or MAKE something. There aren’t too many options for stores out here! I got into Dighton at 3:00 pm and checked into a hotel to avoid approaching thunder storms. I went for a food run and got a burrito for dinner (plus one to go). Now I’m just relaxing and getting organized in the hotel.

Distance: 100.00(1730.84 total miles)
Time: 7:08:02
Ascent: 420
Descent: 1713

Day 25- Made it to Kansas
Day 25- Made it to Kansas
Day 25
Day 25
Day 25- Ghost Bike- John Egbers Memorial
Day 25- Ghost Bike- John Egbers Memorial

Hey! I’d love to hear from you guys. Please leave me a note if you can.

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  1. What an amazing gesture by the Egbers family. It’s rough dodging critters. I always feel bad for frogs. Curious, seems you have met more people biking the opposite direction, is this true? Keep it up Max!

    • Thanks Deb! Yeah, almost exclusively met bikers going the other way. I guess it’s just more likely we intersect going in opposite directions.

  2. Somewhere in Kansas is the half way point isn’t it. U do well to fight the winds. A challenge almost as great as the Rocky Mountain High points. How are the sunburned hands? Ouch. Those burritos must have been good. Glad you got a hotel room. And earlier. What a tribute to that bike rider. Free meal. How was the cherry pie. Does Kansas have fields and fields of corn and alternating soybean plants? Hope you rested well and got a good early start today. Oh the memories you are collecting. I love you. BC

  3. Love hearing your daily adventures! Hate hearing about the goober that pretended to run you off the road ..grrr!!! Hang in there. You’re doing amazing!!

  4. Max, so glad your ride is going well in spite of wind and hills. You have Posted some great
    Pictures. We really enjoyed having you here in BV and hope our paths cross again somewhere
    down the line.
    Grandma Scar

    • Thanks Grandma Scar! I had a great time in BV! Thank you again for hosting! I’m sure I’ll be back sometime soon to climb Harvard and do some more surfing!

  5. Despite the wind, frogs and grasshoppers, sounds like you’re making great progress. I love to hear about all of the kind people you have met along the way so far – some being so generous purely out of the kindness of their hearts – others to “pay it forward” sometimes for reasons you may never know. I know it makes you feel so good, but I’m sure you are brightening each one of their days. Keep it up. I’m glad you didn’t decide to stop once you made it to Sophie’s. Love you.