Day 22: Goodbye to “Bewnie”

River Surfing and Packing Up

I woke up early and spent the morning getting organized to get on the road again tomorrow. I inspected my bike and installed new back brake calipers. The guys and I helped John with a few chores around the property and got some lunch before river surfing one last time.

I was using the big board today, and with lower waters, it was tough to find the right spot. Miguel and Jonathan both stood up on the shorter boards. I was determined to stand. I could get into the wave every time and get up on my knees only to be knocked off balance by a wave. Finally, after so many tries, I got up! I went a few more times and was consistently getting on my feet. Even though I only had one really long ride it felt awesome. We finished the day by giving Grandma Scar a slideshow of our adventures over the last few days.

Thank you so much to Sophie, Liz, John, Kathy, Grandma Scar and everyone else in the Brown/Scar family. I had such a great time in “Bewnie”. Whether it was hiking, surfing, rafting or feeding me enough food for FIVE of me, you made my stay incredible! Thank you, thank you, thank you! Hopefully we’ll see you on Cape Cod soon!

Distance: 00.00(1381.49 total miles)
Time: 0:00:00
Ascent: 0000
Descent: 0000

Day 22- Success
Day 22- Success
Day 22- Almost
Day 22- Almost
Day22- Good Times
Day22- Good Times

Hey! I’d love to hear from you guys. Please leave me a note if you can.

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  1. Fun! Love the action shot!

  2. Sophie (not your sister)

    We can’t wait to have you back again! That big board never stood a chance against maxwellbikes