Day 2: Waterfalls

Portland, Oregon to White Salmon, Washington – hotel

A great start to the day with breakfast from Ray and Kathleen, my Warm Showers hosts! They made amazing scrambled eggs with fresh tomatoes, along with crispy bacon, biscuits and a fruit salad. I ate my fill and even took some fruit for the road. That definitely will make for a great snack on the road! Thank you both for such a great stay – I guess I didn’t know what to expect with a Warmshowers host, but this experience far exceeded my expectations. I expect it might be hard to organize future Warmshowers stays as I will need to plan a few days ahead, but I will try to use this reciprocal home sharing site more often. It’s already paid for itself with just one amazing stay!

Long twisty hill into Portland and found a bike trail. Went along the Columbia River on the Marine Drive Trail. Saw a coyote. At one point, I found myself as part of a Dri-Tri (run, bike, skate race) and one of the officials gave me some snacks. Went by the airport and then began a big climb. Saw Vista House and lots of waterfalls – the biggest was Multnomah Falls. Encountered stairs (ugh!). Saw salmon hatcheries and lots of windsurfers – met Allen who gave me a Powerade! (Thank you Allen!).

I finally reached what would become my destination for the day, White Salmon, Washington. I had hoped to stay at one of the campgrounds in town, but they were all full. I ended up getting a room at the Inn of the White Salmon right near the river. Pizza for Dinner! VIEW PHOTOS –>

Distance: 83.23
Time: 6:55:17
Ascent: 3665
Descent: 4022

Cross-country biking in Oregon


  1. Just learned about Warm Showers. How cool!!

  2. Hey Max, cooler weather should be easier biking especially with the west wind at your back. Seems you’re a little behind schedule after day 1. Did you take my advice and stay on SR 14 instead of crossing to Biggs? Following your progression and wishing safe travels. Don’t forget to update your progress.Thx

    • Hey Allen! I did stay on 14, definitely a great ride and lots of tail wind! Unfortunately a few flats put me back a little, but powered through!

  3. Max, you’re inspiring! We are following along and wishing you well – and lots of snacks. What a way to see the country!