Day 13: Tetons

Grand Teton National Park

Today we woke up early after a rough night at the campsite. It was wet outside and hot in the tent- not good conditions for sleeping! We drove to the same breakfast spot as the day before and loaded up on calories- we even snuck a bag full of bacon out with us. After breakfast, we headed out to explore Grand Teton National Park. We took the requisite photos at the park entrance sign and hiked around Jackson Lake and Jenny Lake.

For lunch we got pizza and loaded it up with our bacon from breakfast. We found a great spot to eat with an incredible view of the mountains. We explored some more and came upon one of the original sheds built on the Tetons land. The scene with the rustic cabin framed by the Teton Range in the background was pretty amazing! After another busy day, we left the park and got dinner at Dew Boyz Restaurant in Dubois, Wyoming. Later, at our cabin, we struggled to find quarters, towels and soap to take showers. A coin operated shower is a first for me!

Scotty and Daniel are off to the airport early tomorrow and I’ll be back on the bike. So glad they could meet me out here for a little bit! Thanks Scotty and Daniel! View Photos –>

(No biking today…)
Distance: 00.00(929.02 total miles)
Time: 0:00:00
Ascent: 0000
Descent: 0000
Send me a note!

Day 13 - Exploring the Grand Tetons
Day 13 – Exploring the Grand Tetons
Day 13 - Rustic Cabin below the Grand Tetons
Day 13 – Rustic Cabin below the Grand Tetons
Day 13 - Ground Squirrel
Day 13 – Ground Squirrel

Hey! I’d love to hear from you guys. Please leave me a note if you can.

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  1. So cool you got to explore with your cousins! I love seeing all your great photos.
    Good luck back on the bike tomorrow.

  2. This is a message to that cute little prairie dog. In 1976, I caught your ancestor in tote bag and let him loose in our family tent. He peed on everything.
    Max, I am loving following every bit of your journey. Every day seems more interesting than the last. The picture of the Tetons is spectacular.

  3. I’ve never been to Yellowstone. Definitely on my bucket list!! Anxious for you to get the next few days done and hang out with us!!!

    • ❤️❤️❤️ so excited! Making these mountains easier knowing I’ll have a great place to stay for a bit!

  4. The Tetons always make me think of my Dad. He loved it out West. The big blue skies, awe-inspiring mountains and wild, rushing rivers. He would have loved this adventure for you. I’m sure he’s following along your journey, shining down from one of those high mountain peaks. Soak it all in Max. Love you!

  5. Bruce Christopher

    This feature photo of the Tetons is incredible!! It looks like it is out of a magazine. You timed your visit to this place perfectly. Beautiful blue sky and some clouds to help show just how HIGH those peaks are! Great shot. I hope you have a great ride today, and every day.