Day 29- Early morning out of Newton, KS

Day 28: Powering On

Newton, Kansas to Woodson Cove Campground in Toronto (Kansas) I was ready to go at 5:30 a.m. and noticed Andrew (from the front desk) had stocked breakfast early for me. THANK YOU! I grabbed a fist full of granola bars and was on my way. Easy, fast riding until another headwind started at mile 25. …

Day 27- Kansas sunflowers

Day 27: The Long Road

Great Bend, Kansas to Newton, Kansas- Coratel Inn & Suites I got up early and started rollin’ at 5:20 a.m. Immediately, I could feel the oppressive heat, and soon found the brutal headwind was still in my face, unrelenting for the first 15 miles. For the past 3 days, my pace has been slower than …

Day 25 - A memorial to John Egbers, a cyclist killed on the TransAmerica Trail

Day 25: Kansas

Sheridan Lake, Colorado to Dighton, Kansas- Heritage Hotel I woke up at 4:30 this morning and cooked myself an egg sandwich then stocked up on lemonade. A big thanks to Jim and Pam and the Sheridan Lake Bible Church for hosting me. I got started at 5:30 a.m. It was a really misty and foggy …

Day 24 - Eads didn't work. On to Sheridan Lake!

Day 24: More Miles

Pueblo, CO to Sheridan Lake, CO- Sheridan Lake Bible Church I woke up early today and got going at 5:45 a.m. Pueblo was deserted. It was pretty cool cruising through the flat, empty roads. I met a bike tourist, Deb, and we talked a lot. When stopping for water or rest, the little biting flies …

Day19 - Indian paintbrush flower in the meadow near Buena Vista, Colorado

Day 19: Fourth of July!

Fireworks over Buena Vista, CO It was great to have a real rest day on the Fourth of July! I’m still on my camping schedule, so I got up much earlier than everyone else. I ended up going with John (Sophie’s Dad) to watch him fly his paramotor (motorized paraglider). It was very cool! He …